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*1992, Slovakia
Works in Bratislava, studio located in Nová Cvernovka


photo by Jana Budaiová

2007 - 2011

School of Applied Arts in Bratislava, (Visual art, prof. Marian Meško)


2012 - 2016

Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, (Painting in 4. Atelier, prof. Ivan Csudai, akad. mal.)


Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, (Painting in Atelier +-XXl, prof. Daniel Fischer, akad. mal.)


Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, (Painting in Atelier "Dvaja/Two", Mgr. art. Rastislav Podhorský; Mgr. art. Martin Špirec, ArtD)




Solo Exhibitions:

2016   "Meet God by the River", DOT. Contemporary  Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2016   "Hibiscus Horcrux", Art Café, Banská Štiavnica, SK
2017 "The speaking fingers of Trees/Hovoriace prsty stromov". DOT. Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2018 "Byť lesom/To be a forest", Atelier Xlll, Bratislava, SK

2021 "OPEN STUDIO", Zborovňa - Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava, SK

2021 "Dych lesa/The forest´s breath", Galéria 19, Bratislava, SK

2021 "Nekonečný strom/The Endless Tree", Turčianska Galéria v Martine, SK

2022 "Levitujúca neistota", Galéria Slávia, Košice, SK

2022 "Jedna z tých krajších nocí/One of those nicer nights", A7 Gallery, Banská Bystrica,  SK

2022 "Light like a broken tree", Galéria Výklad, Trnava, SK

2023 "Ode to the conifers", Blu:gallery, Modra, SK

2023 "Na chrbte nosím paprade", Galéria Sumec, Bratislava, SK

2023 "La Push", 40x60brussels, Brussels, BE

2024 "Among these trees is my hiding spot", Curva Pura, Roma, IT




Group Exhibitions:


2013  Gallery Dunaj "Galéria~ Presents", Bratislava, SK
2016 "Doteraz, DOT. Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2016 „DOT. 2016.“, DOT. Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2017 „Winter Selection 6´“, Flatgallery, Bratislava, SK

2017 "Failings before final", DOT. Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2017 VUB Foundation Award for Painting for Young Artists, Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2019 “lv”, Galéria ABC Bratislava, SK

2019 “Buy now or cry later”, DOT. Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava SK

2021 " papieri 4", Galéria 19, Bratislava, (Slovakia)

2021 "Koniec sezóny OTVÁRAME!!!", Hájovňa-červená studňa, Banská Štiavnica, SK

2022 "Štyri izby/Four rooms", Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava,  SK

2022 "Printing Still", Galerij Epreuve d 'Artiste, Antwerpen, BE

2022 VUB Foundation Award for Painting for Young Artists, Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2022 "Printing, still", Station Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2022 "Christmas Party", Blu:gallery, Modra, SK

2023 VUB Foundation Award for Painting for Young Artists, Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, SK

2023 "Línia Lesa", Nitrianska galéria, Nitra, SK

Artist statement:


We can be physically present in the forest, but still, we are not fully connected; we are constantly coming and going as we desire. As long we live in our confined bodies, we will never truly encounter what it means to be a forest. When we enter the forest land, our continuing evolution of the human world becomes irrelevant/invalid. That is one of the main reasons we need the nature so desperately.


Therefore, if we want a forest/nature to reveal itself in brim glory and essence, we must connect with the entirety of nature by the untroubled mind of an infant. But how to achieve this perception? I believe the forest can clear our headspace, often filled by massive cogitation. Forest has got the ability to refine our inner minds and complete us.


Within its unimaginable differences, the forest preludes the space where we can fully engage. Nature's infinite differences can strip our consciousness. We only need to enter its territory and let nature influence us. When we walk throughout the forest, absorbing its energy with our whole being, we become part of it, and everything outside our physical body influences us, serenity enters.

 I work and use different mediums and techniques, sketches, drawings, and analogue photography in my artistic practice. I draw/take photos directly in the natural environment. I am collecting soil extracts from my favourite venues, taking water samples from rivers and, most importantly, gathering fallen branches. I only work and create with material found in the woodlands, fallen leaves, or the wood, using thrown Christmas trees.

 I mainly depict coniferous trees, which I prefer, with no crowns or leaves. The foliage trees are not as compelling from my artistic point of view. The leafy crowns cover the skeleton of the actual tree, and from an aesthetic aspect, they all look identical. Humans sporadically ignore the trees affected by the disease or fallen trees. Nevertheless, they still belong and are part of the woodland and by those significances, they want us to pay attention to them.

In my work, you can notice repetitive motive of hanging branches, tree trunks without tree crowns and roots hanging on a thin invisible string, symbolizing imbalance uncertainty. The actual effect of the paintings creates intensity, stillness and projecting ambience experience. Nevertheless, my art reflects the level of anxieties of the current generation, which lives in a technologized society where we often find ourselves disconnected from nature. Therefore, I decided to step out from the canvas and oil paintings and hang a dominant branch directly into the woodland habitat.

My ambition is to create something visually distinctive about branches (natural materials) elements and shift attention that "dead" wood has got all the rights to remain part of the ecosystem. The branches/offshoots are decorated with oil paint and installed in their natural environment using natural materials available. Therefore, I am aware they may fall and become part of the forest after some time.


So, the branches I painted become integrated into the woodland once more.

Art residencies and symposiums

2011 Art symposium in Terchová, Slovakia
2012 Art symposium in Mădăras, Romania
2021 Micro-residency at Hájovňa - červená Studňa in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
2022 Micro-residency at A7 Gallery in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
2023 Art symposium In-Situ Vll, Vojka nad Dunajom, Slovakia
2024 Artist residency at Curva Pura in Roma, Italy

2017 Finalist of the VÚB Foundation  Painting Challenge, Bratislava, Slovakia 
2022 STRABAG Artaward International LONGLIST, Vienna, Austria
2022 Finalist of the VÚB Foundation  Painting Challenge, Bratislava, Slovakia 
2022 Nominated for the Piero D’Amore E Colore prize at The Others Art Fair, to reward the continuity, consistency and seriousness of work, for use of colour, experimentation with different artistic techniques and the freshness of subject matter; Torino, Italy
 Finalist of the
VÚB Foundation  Painting Challenge, Bratislava, Slovakia 
Art Fairs and Art Festivals

2011  Transart Communication, International Performance and Intermedia Art Festival, Kino Mier, Nové Zámky, Slovakia, 19-20.nov.,
2015 Mediawave, International Film, Music and Art festival, Durvacrew art house, Dunajská Streda
2018  Art Market Budapest, Hungary, 11-14.oct., represented by DOT. Gallery
2018 Yia Art Fair, Paris Contemporary Art Show, France, 18-21.oct., represented by DOT. Gallery
2022 The Others Art Fair, Torino, Italy, Nov 03-06, represented by Blu : gallery
2023 Festival Fraj, Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia, 28-29. july
2024 exhibition in Curva Pura was part of the Open House Roma events, Roma, Italy, 6-14. apr.,
books, catalogues and art magazines 
Kapsová, E.: Má zmysel chodiť do galérie, keď môžem zájsť do lesa? / Does it make sense to go to the gallery when I can go to the forest?, Profil súčasného výtvarného umenia 1´20, ISSN: 1335-9770

Catalogue: Línia lesa, 2023, Nitrianska galéria, ISBN 978-80-85746-93-8
Cover: Knižná Revue 2022/6, Mesačník o knihách, ISSN 1210-1982
Annual Catalogue G19: Výročný katalóg Galérie 19, 2021, ISBN 978-80-972618-9-4
Mayhew-Smith, A.: Tree Time, feature article in The British Czech and Slovak Review / Oct.-nov.2021, Issue 180, ISSN 1471-9525
Cover & Illustrations: Vertigo 1-2/2021, Časopis o poézii a básnikoch,  ISSN 1339-3820
Cover & Illustrations: Veršeonline, Zošity súčasnej poézie - Vertigo, Mihalkovič/Nespavosť, ISBN 978-80-89763-73-3
Geržová, J.: Od nemej prírody k subjektu s vlastným hlasom / From voiceless nature to a subject with its own voice, Profil súčasného výtvarného umenia 1´20, ISSN: 1335-9770
Mačaj, P.: Dívať sa očami lesa (esej o tvorbe Heleny Tóthovej), Glosolália, Rodovo orientovaný časopis 4/2019, ISSN: 1338-7146
Cover & Illustrations: Glosolália, Rodovo orientovaný časopis 4/2019, ISSN: 1338-7146
Art critic reviews

2024  Eva Kapsová:
2022  Roman Gajdoš:
2021  Kristína Hermanová:
2019  Peter Mačaj:

Online contemporary art magazines, feature articles and radio interviews
Represented in public collection 

Nedbalka Gallery, Slovakia, (Vrbické pleso, oil on canvas, 2017)
Slavia Modern Art Gallery, Slovakia, (When will it be my turn?, 2022)


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